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Monday, October 12, 2009

A crazy week!

Okay I know I should have written this a week ago but here it is at long last. This has been one crazy week! One thing I can say though, is Mr Right has a lot of guts. Or, shall I say pretended to be very brave. Friday a week ago we met for the first time in person…at my work place of course, because I mean…that would be safe wouldn’t it? It all started very well, we chatted like we have known each other forever….and before I knew what was happening I was otk! Now, more than a week after that he admitted that he was also very nervous about taking me otk! But he was determent…he wanted to show me who was the boss! I have to say, that was quite an experience, having my first ever spanking at my work place!! Luckily nobody saw us as there were not many colleagues at the office that day!!

By now you all know that during last week my friend Cheeky Cherry and I really had bumped heads. And it is true, Mr Right jumped in and saved us from…uhm…if we carried on…a spanking….we were really acting like two little brats!

But to be serious…I really had a great weekend with Mr Right. He is such a wonderful God fearing man and he is proud of that, I am looking up to him, I respect him, he is my mentor, my idol and the man I will be proud to call my husband one day! I really am in love!!!

A changed Tantrumgirl....or not?


The Wild ones said...

just for the record, you started it! hehehheeh
I'm not so sure about changed Tantrumgirl, maybe just temporaraly love strucked!lolol
I'm sure with a little persuasion we can get into some mischieve!

Tantrumgirl said...

Hmmm....want to get me into trouble again? Just remember my dear fiend...if I have to jump, I am taking you with me!!

Spanking Photo Blog said...

Hi, you have a nice blog here!

Best regards


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